Don’t bludgeon yourself with the New Year’s resolution stick!

Throwing Resolutions Out the Window


If your inbox looks anything like mine, it’s full of emails giving you ideas for New Year’s resolutions: fitness, health, business habits, etc, etc. It can be rather overwhelming. I get it … everyone wants a chance to start over, to make the new year better than the one before. It’s a physical and mental turning point that just begs for attention. But what if I don’t want to add a bunch of resolutions to my already full list of To Do’s? Who needs the extra stress? Not this gal!

I know a LOT of people for whom 2015 packed a wallop … and I wasn’t exempt. For me, 2015 was INTENSE … and awesome, and chaotic, and FUN, and productive, and it incurred a whole lot of growth. For starters, I got married, which was so much fun my face hurt for two weeks from all the smiling and laughing. I rebranded my business and learned tons along the way. And then before Thanksgiving my Mom ended up in the hospital (she’s home and doing great now!), and December brought me a persistent bout of bronchitis. Guess the Universe was trying to tell me it was time to slow down, huh? With that in mind, I threw any high-pressure New Year’s resolution ideas out the window.

And so, I have no grand, change-your-life, business, and relationship ideas to share with you for 2016. It’s not that I don’t have goals, I do, as I’m sure you do, too. But instead of bludgeoning myself with the New Year’s resolution stick, I want to cultivate a more nurturing attitude toward myself and others and task myself to pause in any given situation so I have time to choose the healthier, happier-making, and forward-moving decisions as often as possible — and I wish that for you, too.

Happy New Year! And may 2016 bring you joy, laughter, health, and prosperity!


Happy New Year!


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